
someone talk me out of this

I want this:

Custom Acrylic Nameplate Necklace via here.

I want mine to say "j'adore" or "je t'aime" or something equally French and cliched. I want it in silver mirror acrylic, typeset in Helvetica Bold, and maybe with skull or heart or cupcake cutouts... Tacky? Or AWESOME? {Please say awesome.}

{I think I've been jonesin' for acrylic jewelry ever since I saw this necklace and these rings {by the same fab designer} in one of those daily Etsy Finds emails. I should probably give in and buy it... all. Or ask my friends to do an intervention.}


Tunics & Tamarind Chutney said...

It would be a cute addition to a simple outfit so that it pops, but for everyday wear, yeah definitely cliched!

Sarah Von Bargen said...

So cute, right? I think the cutout really makes it!

Pin said...

Yes, I love it! It's completely different than most of the jewelry I own... which means I should buy it, right? :) Must start saving {although it's really not that expensive}.

Samya said...

i know why you asked me to take a look... i love jewelry and agree to buying everything :) hahaha. so it's made of plastic? i think it could be cute may be. like i really like the emma necklace, but ummmm i dunno. it is different! i think a small one would be cute? i'd have to see it. i know that helped in no way possible.

Katie said...

I was kind of leaning toward "No" (Not that my opinion really matters and I'm sure you could pull it off, but I wasn't really loving it...) and then I remembered that I recently faved this on Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=32876680

So I now say go for it! ;)

Samya said...

omg. ok.... i love the Epershand Necklace that whims. posted a link to!! i might be a little more on board now.

Ginger said...

YAY - I LOVE the necklace and rings you link to! YAY! Do it.

Megan said...

You know I vote yes for anything French.

Anonymous said...

aww, I follow the blog of that Etsy seller! She does really nice stuff.. There's actually a giveaway to get of her custom made necklace here:


It's open to anyone!


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